
Overhead 11x40

Overhead 11x16
The 11x40 model is our most popular heater. Used here for spot brooding, so chicks have a localized and adjustable heat source, but can also move to a cooler, unheated area. As your biddy grows, you can adjust the height to best serve growing birds through the brooding period.
Facebook response: “I love every single one of my Sweeter Heaters simply because my chicks love their heaters! I don’t have to worry about them over-heating nor getting chilled because they want to escape from it being too hot. So glad I found these heaters!”
Amazon rating: 5 out of 5 stars “I have several different brands of heaters for our poultry/turkeys. This brand is by far the best quality. I have the 11x40 one and it’s plenty big enough for 35+ turkey poults. Super easy to clean and store away for next year.”

Overhead 11x40

Overhead 11x30
A big advantage of the Sweeter Heater is the ability to adjust the height to your specific needs and later move it out to the coop to keep hens warm in the cold temperatures. The layers have better egg production when they do not have to expend so much energy to keep their body temperature warm.
Facebook response: “We have the Sweeter Heater in our chicken coop. Best (and smartest) purchase we’ve made to keep the chickens safe in our brutal Minnesota winters. I’ve bragged about it so much that one of my co-workers went and bought one too (and loves it).”
Amazon rating: 5 out of 5 stars “This safe heater works great. If you simply tilt it, the chicks can find their own heat comfort level. Seems to be well built and easy to clean. It’s the safest, well made product on the market. I plan to buy again.”

Overhead 11x40

11 x 30 Side Mount

Lens Surface
Not just for brooding, the Sweeter Heater is used in many outdoor chicken coops and hen houses. It is intended to warm your hens as they gather underneath the heater, not the environment. It will not burn your animals.
Facebook response: “We have two Sweeter Heaters out in our grow-out coops where our 6-8 week old babies go after hatching and living in our house. We have more places to put them out earlier if we had more Sweeter Heaters! They are far safer than heat lamps and the birds thrive.”
Amazon rating: 5 out of 5 stars “I have 9 heaters above my roost poles in my chicken coop. Love these heaters and my hens love them too!! I’ve had them in my coop for 3 years now in the winter. Well worth the money!!”
Amazon rating: 5 out of 5 stars “Love the Sweeter Heater! After my rooster got frostbite on his comb, I decided to add this to the coop. Keeps them warm when temperature is below freezing. The heater does get very warm to the touch, but it won’t burn the chickens and won’t start a fire, unlike traditional heat lamps, which was a concern for me. Now I need a smaller one for my chicken brooder!”

Overhead 11x11

Overhead 11 x 40

Overhead 11x30
Sweeter Heaters have proven to be an asset in whelping boxes, keeping them safe and warm without overheating the mother. Ideal to be mounted in the corner of the box so mom doesn’t overheat while the puppies are cuddled quietly under the heater.
Facebook responses: “We would not be able to whelp these puppies in the kennel during the cold weather without a Sweeter Heater.” And “Our Sweeter Heater helps keep our new puppies warm and cozy.” And, “She crawled right under the OH 11x30 to have her puppies, just like she knew what it was there for.”
Amazon rating: “Really nice product that makes total sense! Very fast delivery! I’ll be ordering another soon!”

Overhead 11x11 and 11x30
Overhead 11x11
Poultry owners are rapidly making the Sweeter Heater the preferred heat source for brooders. Warmer than most radiant heaters and not as hot as heat lamps, the temperature ranges between 160-180 degrees (F).
Facebook responses: “Love my Sweeter Heater! I use it when I am brooding chicks and for the past few months, it was mounted above the roost in my coop to provide much-needed warmth for several of my hens that molted in late December! I love that I don't have to worry about a fire when I use my heater - the hens even knocked it down once. No worries. And with chicks, it's a great way to provide heat for them while also keeping them on a natural daylight schedule.” And, “Very good product, brooded 26 out of 26 chicks successfully without fear of burning down our garage and attached home. Plastic has a smell when first plugged in but as recommended, plugged it in a few days prior and it dissipated.”
Amazon rating: 5 out of 5 stars “I love this heater. I first bought one to use with my new chicks. Unlike the heat lamp they gathered under the Sweeter Heater and stayed there. They were calm and quiet 24/7. Amazing! At first I thought there was something wrong with them, but no. They just felt warm and secure with it. Since then I have bought two of the largest ones to hang in their coop over the winter months. Here in the mountains it gets down to single digits and stays there. I have the two heaters over their roosts and they all love sitting under them! It does not get hot but radiates a nice warmth so no chance of a fire. I will never go back to heat lamps again!”

Sweeter Heaters are also excellent sources of heat for goats and lambs. The larger models give the animals plenty of room to safely warm up. Both heaters above are mounted flush with the back wall of their shelter, which is recommended.
Facebook responses: “My baby goats love their heaters. They can’t knock them down and start a fire. It is simple to install and clean.” And, “Warm and out of harm’s way, the Sweeter Heater is great for lamb breeders.”
Amazon rating: 5 out of 5 stars “Excellent product. I use Sweeter Heaters in chicken coops and goat houses.”
Overhead 11x40
Overhead 11x40

Overhead 11x16

Overhead 11x40
The Sweeter Heater produces no noise or artificial light. It uses less power to operate, is unbreakable, sealed for easy cleaning and has a 3-year warranty. The Sweeter Heater has been tested and proven by chicken farmers for over 20 years.
Facebook responses: “It works great. Coop is 3 x 5 feet. We only run it at night unless it is really cold, then I leave it on all day. The girls love it. Egg production is good with it!” And, “I love mine! It doesn’t heat the coop, only the birds that get cold and need that extra boost. Costs hardly anything to run it, and it is fire safe so I never wake up thinking my chickens are going to die. Even better, they are made in Wisconsin!”
Amazon rating: 5 out of 5 stars “A great solution for my chickens. Keeps them warm with no light to keep them awake. Heater arrived very quickly. I am very happy with it.”

Side Mount 11x16

Side Mount 11x16
Infrared radiant heat may be a completely different heat principal than you’re used to working with. The Sweeter Heater’s infrared rays are spread over the entire surface area of the panel and are evenly projected straight down.
Facebook response: “The constant dust build up on those hot bulbs is a pain and if you hit the bulb the wrong way trying to clean them you wind up with a broken mess. I don’t always fear of losing my babies to a fire with the Sweeter Heater.”
Amazon rating: 5 out of 5 stars “We have several of these heaters in my chicken coop. My hens love them! No frost bite combs and warm roost poles. These heaters have been in my coop for two years – very dependable!”
Examples of additional applications:

11x16 OH

11x30 SM

11x16 SM

11x40 OH
All of the materials we use in the Sweeter Heater are completely safe. The lens material is common fiberglass fire rated sheeting used in homes and the food industry. The shell is ABS styrene material (think refrigerator linings, toys, and other molded products). The insulation is a noncombustible EcoTouch Insulation utility blanket. The odor that is noted on a new heater is from the escalated final drying of the lens material (fiberglass and adhesives) as the heat is applied. The odor is normal and will go away in a day or so as the new materials dry out. Very close examination of the lens sometimes reveals small hairline cracks that are created as the lens dries. This is also normal.
Special Applications:
Ask us about your custom heating applications. We have developed cost effective solutions for many applications.
(Please specify with order)